ꙁабранѥнꙑ имєна
This page lists titles that are currently protected from creation. For a list of existing pages that are protected, see ꙁабранѥнꙑ страницѧ.
- Македонїıа (fully protected)
- Robet Mugabi (fully protected)
- Чѧ́сть:Мєждоусвязие (fully protected)
- Fedor Emelianenko (fully protected)
- Обраꙁьць:Документируйте (fully protected)
- Asger (fully protected)
- Sexual intercourse (fully protected)
- Польꙃєватєл҄ь:Well-Informed Optimist (semi protected)
- Польꙃєватєл҄ь:Oleg3280 (semi protected)
- Человекъ-паукъ (fully protected)
- Сї́мпсо́н (fully protected)
- Star Wars (semi protected)