НАРОЧИТО: По съхранѥнии можєши обити своѥго съмотрила съхранъ да видѣлъ би мѣнꙑ

  • Mozilla ли Firefox ли Safari' ли жьмꙑи Shift а мꙑшиѭ жьми Reload или жьми Ctrl-F5 ꙗко жє Ctrl-R (⌘-R вън Apple Mac)
  • Google Chrome: ли жьмꙑи Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R въ Mac)
  • Internet Explorer ли жьмꙑи Ctrl а мꙑшиѭ жьми Refresh или жьми Ctrl-F5
  • Опєрꙑ польꙃєватєльмъ можєть бꙑти ноужда пльнѣ поничьжити ихъ съмотрила съхранъ въ Tools → Preferences (Opera → Preferences вън Apple Mac) ⁙
//<source lang=javascript>
var wmCantWork = 'Викификатор не может работать в вашем браузере.\n\nWikificator can not work in your browser.' // English, for those unable to see Cyrillic characters
var wmFullText = 'Викификатор обработает ВЕСЬ текст на этой странице. Продолжить?'
var wmTalkPage = 'Викификатор не обрабатывает страницы обсуждения целиком.\n\nВыделите ваше сообщение — обработано будет только оно.'
function Wikify(){
 // check regexp support
 if ('code'.replace(/d/g, 'r') != 'core') {
 var txt, hidden = [], hidIdx = 0, wpTextbox1 = document.editform.wpTextbox1
 var winScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop //remember window scroll
 if (typeof wpTextbox1.selectionStart != 'undefined' 
    && (navigator.productSub > 20031000 || is_safari)) { //Mozilla/Opera/Safari3
    var textScroll = wpTextbox1.scrollTop
    var startPos = wpTextbox1.selectionStart
    var endPos = wpTextbox1.selectionEnd
    txt = wpTextbox1.value.substring(startPos, endPos)
    if (txt == '') processAllText()
      wpTextbox1.value = wpTextbox1.value.substring(0, startPos) + txt + wpTextbox1.value.substring(endPos)
    wpTextbox1.selectionStart = startPos
    wpTextbox1.selectionEnd = startPos + txt.length
    wpTextbox1.scrollTop = textScroll
 }else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) { //IE
   var range = document.selection.createRange()
   txt = range.text
   if (txt == '') processAllText()
     range.text = txt
     //if (!window.opera) txt = txt.replace(/\r/g,'')
     if (range.moveStart) range.moveStart('character', - txt.length)
 }else // other browsers
   if (confirm(wmFullText)) processAllText()
 document.documentElement.scrollTop = winScroll // scroll back, for IE/Opera
function processAllText(){
 txt = '\n' + wpTextbox1.value
 txt = txt.replace(/^[\n\r]+/, '')
 wpTextbox1.value = txt
 txt = ''
 if (window.auto_comment && window.insertSummary) insertSummary('викификатор')
function processText(){
var u = '\u00A0' //unbreakable space
if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') % 2 || mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber')==4) { //is talk page
 u = ' '
 var sigs = txt.match(/\d\d:\d\d, \d\d? \S{3,8} 20\d\d \(UTC\)/g)
 if (sigs && sigs.length > 1) {
   alert(wmTalkPage); return
hideExpr('{\\{[\\s\\S]+?}}') //templates
hideExpr('^ .*') //lines starting with space
hideExpr('(http|https|ftp|tftp|news|nntp|telnet|irc|gopher)://[^ \n\r\u00A0]* ?') //links
txt = txt.replace(/(\[\[:?)(image|видъ|дѣ́ло|file):( *)/ig, '$1Дѣло:')
txt = txt.replace(/(\[\[:?)(Катигорі́ꙗ):( *)/ig, '$1Катигорїꙗ:')
hideExpr('\\[\\[[^\\]|]+') //internal links
txt = txt.replace(/<<(\S.+\S)>>/g, '"$1"') //<<text>> -> "text"
//square and cube
txt = txt.replace(/(<sup>2<\/sup>|&sup2;)/gi, '²');
txt = txt.replace(/(<sup>3<\/sup>|&sup3;)/gi, '³');
//tags → wikicode
txt = txt.replace(/<\/?(b|strong)>/gi, "'''")
txt = txt.replace(/<\/?(i|em)>/gi, "''")
txt = txt.replace(/<hr ?\/?>/gi, '----')
//improve hr and br
txt = txt.replace(/<hr ([^\/>]+?) ?\/?>/gi, '<hr $1 />')
txt = txt.replace(/<br( [^\/>]+?)? ?\/?>/gi, '<br$1 />')
//№№ → №
txt = txt.replace(/№№/g,'№')
hideExpr('<[^>]*?>') //hide tags
hideExpr('\\w+ *= *"[^"]*"') //also tables attributes //[ \w%;:]
txt = txt.replace(/(\S)[ \t]+( |\n|\r)/g,'$1$2') //remove double spaces and spaces at EOL
txt = txt.replace(/^([#*:]+)[ \t\f\v]*([^ \t\f\v*#:;])/gm, '$1 $2') //space after #*: at the line start
// Entities 
txt = txt.replace(/&#(\d+);/g,
                    function(n,a){return String.fromCharCode(a)})                        // &#769;
txt = txt.replace(/&#x([0-9a-f]{1,4});/gi,
                    function(n,a){return String.fromCharCode(eval('0x'+a.substr(-4)))})  // &#x301;
// Temporary replacements
txt = txt.replace(/–/g, '-')
txt = txt.replace(/«|»|“|”|„/g, '"')
txt = ' ' + txt
// боукви
txt = txt.replace(/е/g,'є')
txt = txt.replace(/ы/g,'ꙑ')
txt = txt.replace(/ѕ/g,'ꙃ')
txt = txt.replace(/з/g,'ꙁ')
txt = txt.replace(//g,'ꙗ')
txt = txt.replace(/Е/g,'Є') 
txt = txt.replace(/Ы/g,'Ꙑ')
txt = txt.replace(/З/g,'Ꙁ')
txt = txt.replace(/ѹ/g,'оу')
txt = txt.replace(/Ѹ/g,'Оу')

txt = txt.substr(1) // leading space
function hideExpr(expr){
 var ma = txt.match(new RegExp(expr, 'mgi'))
 if (!ma) return
 for (var i=0; i<ma.length; i++) {
   txt = txt.replace(ma[i], '\x01' + hidIdx + '\x02')
   hidden[hidIdx] = ma[i] 
   if ('0'.replace('0','$$') == '$') //$ in 2nd arg is special even if 1st arg is a string, except in IE
     hidden[hidIdx] = hidden[hidIdx].replace(/\$/g, '$$$$') //$ → $$, then it’s converted back to $ on restore
function hideTag(tag){
  hideExpr('<' + tag + '( [^>]+)?>[\\s\\S]+?<\\/' + tag + '>')
function restoreAll(){
 for (var i=hidIdx-1; i>=0; i--)
   txt = txt.replace('\x01' + i + '\x02', hidden[i])