Википєдїѩ бєсѣда:Ѩꙁꙑка съвѣтъ: Difference between revisions

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::I did notice that either. Sorry for bothering you. I'll will create some things on the incubator test and see if they approve the project. -- [[User:Vvs-dm|'''<font style="font-variant:small-caps" color="darkblue" size="3px">Vēnī‧vīdī‧scrīpsī</font>''']][[User talk:Vvs-dm|'''<font style="font-variant:small-caps" color="darkblue" size="3px"><sup> [DM]</sup></font>''']] 17:48, мартїꙗ 1 числа, 2017 (UTC)
* noun = '''имѧ сѫщьствꙑтел҄ьно''' from the noun ''сѫщьство'' + suffix ''тел҄ьно''
* noun =
* verb = '''глаголъ'''
* common noun =
* adjective = '''имѧ прилагател҄ьно''' from the verb ''прилагати'' + suffix ''тел҄ьно''
* proper noun =
* adverb = '''нарѣчьѥ'''
* verb =
* pronoun = '''мѣстоименьѥ''' from the words ''мѣсто'' and ''имѧ''
* adjective =
* preposition = '''прѣдълогъ''' from the verb ''прѣдъложити''
* adverb =
* participle = '''причѧстьѥ'''
* pronoun =
* conjunction = '''съвѫꙁъ'''
* preposition =
* interjection = '''междѹмѣтьѥ'''
* particle =
* article = '''члѣнъ'''
* postposition =
* prefix = '''прѣдъставка''' from the words ''прѣдъ'' and the verb ''ставити''
* conjunction =
* suffix = '''наставка''' form prefix на + the verb ''ставити''
* interjection =
* particle = '''чѧсть'''
* article =
* letter = '''боукꙑ'''
* prefix =
* symbol = '''обраꙁъ'''
* suffix =
* number/numeral = '''число'''
* letter =
* phrase = '''словосъчетаньѥ''' from the words ''слово'' and ''съчетаньѥ''
* symbol =
* proverb = '''притъча'''
* number/numeral =
* etymology = '''етѷмологїꙗ'''
* pronunciation = '''профора''' from the Greek word ''προφορά''
* translation = '''прѣводъ'''
* derived terms = '''проиꙁводьнꙑи словеса'''
* transcription =
* related terms = '''съвѧꙁанꙑи словеса'''
* transliteration =
* synonyms = '''сѷнѡнѷма'''
* derived terms =
* antonyms = '''антѡнѷма'''
* related terms =
* abbreviation = '''сѷнтомографїꙗ'''
* synonyms =
* homonyms = '''омѡнѷма'''
* antonyms =
* holonyms = '''олѡнѷма'''
* abbreviations =
* hyponyms = '''ѵпѡнѷма'''
* citations =
* hypernyms = '''ѵпернѷма'''
* compound =
* meronyms = '''мерѡнѷма'''
* augmentatives =
* paronyms = '''парѡнѷма'''
* diminutives =
* chronology = '''хронологїꙗ'''
* homonyms =
* descendants = '''потомъ'''
* holonyms =
* conjugation = '''поклон҄енѥ'''
* hyponyms =
* declension = '''склон҄енѥ'''
* hypernyms =
* see also = '''ꙁьрите такожде'''
* meronyms =
* reference = '''источьникъ'''
* paronyms =
* homophones =
* nominative case = '''именител҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* notes =
* accusative case = '''винител҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* reference =
* genetive case = '''родител҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* locative case = '''мѣстенъ падѣжъ'''
* dative case = '''дател҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* instrumental = '''творител҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* vocative case = '''ꙁвател҄енъ падѣжъ'''
* singular = '''ѥдино число'''
* dual = '''дъвою число'''
* plural = '''мъного число'''
* masculine = '''мѫжьскъ родъ'''
* feminine = '''женьскъ родъ'''
* neuter = '''срѣдьн҄ь родъ'''
:Hello [[Польꙃєватєл҄ь:ОйЛ|ОилЪ]], can u please check the above for spelling and if it's good re back to me. Thank you kindly. -- [[Польꙃєватєл҄ь:Vvs-dm|Vvs-dm]] ([[Польꙃєватєлꙗ бєсѣда:Vvs-dm|бєсѣда]]) 21:59, мартїꙗ 22 числа, 2017 (UTC)
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