Бєсѣда:Главьна страница
Сꙗ страница обьщєниꙗ съвѣтъ нѣстъ · сьдє бєсѣда тъчиѭ о главьнꙑ страницѧ видѣ · мєждоувикꙑ и т҃д идєтъ
ru: Эта страница — не форум, здесь обсуждается только сама заглавная страница и включённые в неё шаблоны, интервики и прочее. Используйте страницу сообщества для общих обсуждений.
en: This talk page is not a forum about the whole Wikipedia, here should be placed only suggestions regarding to Main Page, its design, interwiki, etc. Use the comunity page for general discussions.
Ащє главьны страницѧ исправлѥниꙗ слѣдьствиѥ нє видєши · тъ можєши обити своѥго съмотрила съхранъ да видѣлъ би мѣнꙑ
бєсѣдꙑ вєтъшь : |
Глаголицы боу́квие/Glagolitic font
исправлѥниѥFor new users:
If you're having troubles with reading Glagolitic (i.e. non-Cyrillic) text, please use MPH 2B Damase font (.zip, Unicode)
Новым участникам: Если вы испытываете проблемы с отображением глаголического текста, воспользуйтесь этим шрифтом (.zip, Unicode)
- I have installed the Glagolitic font, but still I cannot see the Glagolitic letters. Regards--MacedonianBoy 21:40, сєптє́мврїꙗ 13 числа, 2009 (UTC)
- Have you installed it to the Fonts folder or only downloaded to your PC? --231013-a 10:24, сєптє́мврїꙗ 17 числа, 2009 (UTC)
- I have installed the fonts that are available here, but I only can see the Cyrillic letters, not the glagolitic. --MacedonianBoy 22:37, октѡ́врїꙗ 3 числа, 2009 (UTC)
- Try it font. --Алєѯа́ндръ К. 09:20, ноє́мврїꙗ 19 числа, 2009 (UTC)
Try these fonts. --Great Brightstar (бєсѣда) 14:02, апрїлїꙗ 1 числа, 2015 (UTC)- Try these fonts. --Great Brightstar (бєсѣда) 17:50, їаноуарїꙗ 6 числа, 2016 (UTC)
- Try it font. --Алєѯа́ндръ К. 09:20, ноє́мврїꙗ 19 числа, 2009 (UTC)
- I have installed the fonts that are available here, but I only can see the Cyrillic letters, not the glagolitic. --MacedonianBoy 22:37, октѡ́врїꙗ 3 числа, 2009 (UTC)
this is unreadable
wiki-compatible Cyrillic input
исправлѥниѥYou can now input wiki-compatible Cyrillic using the Old Church Slavonic keyboard available http://slavicpublishers.com/
Small request
исправлѥниѥHello! I am a Polish wikipedian and I would like to ask you for your help - writing a new article about former Polish President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 – Lech Wałęsa. I have looked for his biography in your Wikipedia but without success. Polish Wikipedians will be grateful for your help. Thank you so much in advance! PS you can find the English version of the article here. Best wishes from Poland, Patrol110 12:17, дєкє́мврїꙗ 25 числа, 2009 (UTC)
исправлѥниѥI need to know, does anyone write and read Glagolic alphabet? I need to ask him/ her about minor things. Thanks--MacedonianBoy 20:14, сєптє́мврїꙗ 15 числа, 2010 (UTC)
See: http://glagolitic.com/ 07:50, їаноуа́рїꙗ 20 числа, 2011 (UTC)
- This link (http://glagolitic.com/) is dead. Savkovich Y (бєсѣда) 13:54, їаноуарїꙗ 14 числа, 2020 (UTC)
исправлѥниѥThe link on the main page is not working any more. -- 18:45, сєптє́мврїꙗ 19 числа, 2010 (UTC)
- Thanks for notice. I've fixed the link. О́илЪ 03:04, сєптє́мврїꙗ 20 числа, 2010 (UTC)
Новъ обраꙁъ страницѧ
исправлѥниѥДроужє Оилє · творѭ нꙑнѣ новъ обраꙁъ сѧ страницѧ · польꙃоуѥики ꙗко прьвообраꙁь портог. Вики · нъ съ вьсѩ стари пьсаниꙗ ижє нꙑнѣшьномь обраꙁомь дрьжить ⁙ Могѫ ли ѥмоу положитъ въ страницѫ ⁖ Гла́вьна страни́ца/Temp ⁖ ? Тако ащє блаꙁни · отѧжєнии и инъ вѫпросꙑ о исправлѥниꙗ сѫтъ или нє ноужна видѣтъ сѧ · на ѥѩ страницѧ бєсѣдѣ бѫдємъ побєсѣдовати ⁙ Васїлъ Ивановъ 09:45, дєкє́мврїꙗ 10 числа, 2010 (UTC)
- Съгласьнъ ѥсмь ⁙ О́илЪ 13:57, дєкє́мврїꙗ 17 числа, 2010 (UTC)
How can I get the font for this site?
исправлѥниѥHi! I have problems to see the complete character set of this site. Is it possible to add a link "Can't see the font?", as it is the case for other languages in Wikipedia http://am.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E1%8B%A8%E1%8A%92%E1%8A%AB%E1%88%AB%E1%8C%93_%E1%8A%A5%E1%8C%85_%E1%89%8B%E1%8A%95%E1%89%8B. Thank you! Sae1962 08:10, фєвроуа́рїꙗ 17 числа, 2011 (UTC)
- There IS a direct link to the font in the very top of the page. There is also a link to English help page where the link is presented too. О́илЪ 09:34, фєвроуа́рїꙗ 17 числа, 2011 (UTC)
Wikipedia in Tatar
исправлѥниѥDear friends, may I ask you to add a hyperlink to our Tatar Wikipedia (http://tt.wikipedia.org) to yourr Front page. Tatars - are turkic nation living in Tatarstan Republic, second biggest nation in Russian Federation. hope to hear from you soon. sincerely yours, Muhtac 21:24, ма́ртїꙗ 20 числа, 2011 (UTC)
исправлѥниѥI would like to ask something about the scripts that are used on this Wikipedia. So far, I understood that Cyrillic is used for the articles, but I am interested to know whether Glagolitic alphabet is used for the articles as well? I saw small Glagolitic text on the Main page and in the logo itself. Best,--MacedonianBoy 22:24, аѷгоуста 12 числа, 2011 (UTC)
- Glagolitic is not used in articles.There were discussions about this before, and it was decided that it would be to difficult for users to input and read such texts. ОилЪ 22:30, аѷгоуста 12 числа, 2011 (UTC)
- Oh, OK then. I did not know about the discussion. I thought I could practice a bit Glagolitic here. Thanks--MacedonianBoy 22:33, аѷгоуста 12 числа, 2011 (UTC)
- А нельзя сделать как у югозападных славян? Транлитератор автоматический.-- 10:18, їоунїꙗ 19 числа, 2013 (UTC)
исправлѥниѥОтличная идея! Ну ни как не ожидал встретить википедию на языке предков!!! Так хочу принимать в этом участие, жаль только не владею старой грамматикой :"-( Буду пытаться осваивать, а вам ребята моё почтение!!Деэба 04:35, їаноуарїꙗ 14 числа, 2012 (UTC)
Воно, може, й цікаво, тільки ж безглуздо. "Язик предков"! Думаю, нікому не треба пояснювати, що цією мовою лем писали, а ніхто в Русі не говорив! Се я не до того, що в усій Київській Русі розмовляли українською - тьфу-тьфу-тьфу, тук-тук-тук, - на щастя, такого не було. Просто наші пращури ("предок" - теж болгарське слово!) користувалися в побуті попередниками сучасних наших східнослов'янських мов і вельми здивувалися б, що в 21 ст. комусь треба Вікіпедії тою мовою, яка навіть їм була мертва. Я не знаю, я скорше проти, хоча б тому що братів-українців тут зовсім не чути. Про Київ - найбільшу святиню Руси! - написано мізер, що й літописець би плакав, "се" чомусь пишеться яко "сіе", та й годі розмов!Князівна
Hello, what language is this?
исправлѥниѥI've never seen it before. Is it, like, Ukrainian or Belarussian or something? Antiv31 (бєсѣда) 08:15, мартїꙗ 26 числа, 2015 (UTC)
Church Slavonic is missing
исправлѥниѥChurch Slavonic is missing from this page:
Thank you, Varlaam (бєсѣда) 06:34, їаноуарїꙗ 19 числа, 2016 (UTC)
- Can you please look on the top of this very page (Бєсѣда:Главьна страница) and see the notice written in English about the purpose of this very page (Бєсѣда:Главьна страница)? Thank you. ОилЪ (бєсѣда) 07:07, їаноуарїꙗ 19 числа, 2016 (UTC)
- Thank you for making the update to meta.
- If you have a different page where you want visitors to go, then you could add that to the notice at the top.
- Thanks, Varlaam (бєсѣда) 07:21, їаноуарїꙗ 19 числа, 2016 (UTC)
- There IS a link to a different page. I should add it to Russian and English messages as well, though. ОилЪ (бєсѣда) 07:35, їаноуарїꙗ 19 числа, 2016 (UTC)
Kind request
исправлѥниѥDear all,
This website (please have a look at the bottom - "Kirchenslawisch" or at this enlarged version) suggests that the "Volkshymne" - the national anthem of Austria-Hungary - was also available in a Church Slavonic version. I have some questions about that matter:
- 1) Is this actually Church Slavonic?
- 2) Does the stanza (roughly) have the same content like the other stanzas shown on that page (for an English version please have a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gott_erhalte_Franz_den_Kaiser#1854_version )?
- 3) Would anybody be so nice and do me the favour to provide a transcript into the Latin alphabet? I would be very happy to add a Church Slavonic version to this collection: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%96sterreichische_Kaiserhymnen/Fassungen_in_anderen_Sprachen
Thank you very much in advance, and best regards, Kratzbaum (бєсѣда) 08:28, аѷгоуста 26 числа, 2016 (UTC)
- Looks legit for me. Seems to be Rusyn recension of Church Slavonic. Content is similar to the first stanza of the athem. --Ѳєрапѡнтъ Соꙋсовъ (бєсѣда) 14:50, аѷгоуста 27 числа, 2016 (UTC)
Бо́жє хра́ни Фра́нц-Їѡ́сифа, |
Bože hrani Franc-Ïôsifa, |
This is great - thank you so much! This gem has now been added to the other versions. Best regards, Kratzbaum (бєсѣда) 10:56, аѷгоуста 30 числа, 2016 (UTC)
Near empty Wiki
исправлѥниѥWhat is the point of running an almost empty Wikipedia, in which there are no such basic words as a dog [пьс], cat or chicken, which were certainly known in the Old Church Slavic times?